Respect (in focus)

January 25, 2010 at 8:50 pm (Uncategorized)

When people ask you how you are doing, or what you have been up to since the last time they have seen you, it is usually with one of two purposes in mind.  It is either “a”- they care about the success they believe will happen for you, and want to know how close you are to achieving it- and maybe want to help you along, or “b”- in asking how you are doing, they are checking to see if the failure they believe is your destiny- has occurred yet.

As I see things: If you seek to be in the “a” category with everyone, you will fail often, and when you succeed, it will be temporary, for this approach shows immaturity, as people have got their own life that exists solely outside of your frame of reference.

This as well: When you interact with a person, and something in their voice or manner suggests that the reason they are asking has switched from “a”, to “b”, do not waste your time trying to change things back to the way they were- from “b”, to “a”- for that is catering to one’s own ego, which will likely lead to you actually meeting the failure they have decided is your fate. Neither should you consider it a loss.  You either never had their respect in the first place- which is a realization that it is best to come to NOW, rather than NEVER- or they do not have enough respect within themselves, as a quantitative component of their being, to be able to share it (respect) with others in meaningful ways. Strive instead to understand exactly WHAT respect means to others who surround you- across cultures, forms of spiritual awareness/religion, and socioeconomic conditions- so that you thus have more respect within you, overall, either to share with others who DO comprehend and reciprocate your respect for them- or to keep for yourself and nurture during those times when people are actively underestimating you, writing you off, and/or casting you to the wayside.  Remind yourself each day that you are a part of the beauty of creation- unique, and yet one with all that is truly alive.  For even just this you deserve to be both respected, and loved.

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